8 Amazing Benefits Of Orgasm!
8 amazing benefits of orgasm! Mental health, physical health & more!
► WATCH NEXT: sexual habits I formed in my 20s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7QkeEH6zgk
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Discussed in the video:
-how orgasm is a mental game for most women
-longevity/orgasms save lives lol
-stress and anxiety
-menstrual cramp and general mild pain relief
-skin health!
-the pelvic floor
-feeding your libido
-improving sex life and intimacy with others via masturbation
► My bestselling novel "If Only" (about a woman who can glimpse parallel versions of her life! If you enjoy my content you'll love this read!) FREE SHIPPING: https://www.bookdepository.com/If-Only-Melanie-Murphy/9781473691773
► "Fully Functioning Human (Almost): Living In An Online/Offline World" (my first book, all about me, my life experiences and everything I talk about on this channel in much more detail!) FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING: https://www.bookdepository.com/Fully-Functioning-Human--Almost-/9781473639164
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