9 Clever Winter Clothing Ideas: DIY Fashion Hacks!
It’s time to upgrade our closet for the next year! And I’m sure you’ll find quite a few clothing items that are simply too worn off to wear. Well, how about using those items to create something new?! Here are quite a few fashion DIY upcycling ideas to make use of those old clothes! For example, use your blank to create an original top or just add some sass to your jeans by adding some beautiful patches! Stay tuned for all of these wonderful easy DIY fashion hacks, ideas and more!
If you enjoyed this video, you might also like “Fashion Hacks: 11 Easy DIY Clothing Ideas!”: https://youtu.be/bs27rMcHWgs
Love the music used in this video? You can find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa
00:04 Jeans Knee Patch
01:15 Swants Sweater Pants
02:22 Scarf Hack
03:17 Mitten Clips
04:21 Denim Plush Jacket
05:30 Blanket Top
06:44 Scarf Bag
07:48 Hairband Scarf
09:24 Sheet T-Shirt
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