A New Paper Mario Game For Switch Rumored And These Alleged PS5 Images Look Weird
Many people are expecting a Nintendo Direct to happen in the next few weeks to set up 2020 with new games to look forward to. Now it looks like rumors are starting to spread about a couple of games including a new Paper Mario game. Leading up to the PS5 reveal that is rumored to take place in February, some images have hit the internet supposedly showing what the PS5 console could look like. These images are hard to believe with the overall system shown looking terrible.
Paper Mario rumor: https://www.nintendoenthusiast.com/rumor-2d-metroid-traditional-paper-mario-release-2020/
PS5 Images: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Alleged-PlayStation-5-consumer-model-designs-and-supposed-first-real-world-image-of-the-next-gen-console-appear-on-imageboard.450451.0.html
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