Academic turns Entrepreneur | Dr Koh Kho King | TEDxUTM
Switching career path takes him time and courage. Passion drives him to pursue his dream to go this far and even further in the future. DR Koh Kho King moved to Johor in Year 1995 to pursue his Bachelor and Master degree in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and became a lecturer in UTM in Year 2003. He later was awarded with Japanese government scholarship to further study his PhD in Hiroshima University in Japan. Along the time he was in Japan, he fell in love with photography which led to another interesting event which he founded in Year 2005. The talented young man self-taught coder using open source software to puzzle ups the first online camera shop in Malaysia. Over the years, has become the largest online camera shop in Malaysia with over 30,000 products online serving over 100,000 customers. was the top 10 finalists in Malaysia E-Commerce Merchant Award
in Year 2016. DR Koh Kho King moved to Johor in Year 1995 to pursue his Bachelor and Master degree in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and became a lecturer in UTM in Year 2003. He later was awarded with Japanese government scholarship to further study his PhD in Hiroshima University in Japan. Along the time he was in Japan, he fell in love with photography which led to another interesting event which he founded in Year 2005. The talented young man self-taught coder using open source software to puzzle ups the first online camera shop in Malaysia. Over the years, has become the largest online camera shop in Malaysia with over 30,000 products online serving over 100,000 customers. was the top 10 finalists in Malaysia E-Commerce Merchant Award in Year 2016. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at