(Adult Swim Bump) Ice Skating Clowns (Full Song)
Re-uploaded with a higher quality image. Thanksa bunch to JUSXTREME96 - Xtreme TV Archives for finding the original source image!
After 10 years I finally found this song!! This was one of my top bumps that had unknown music info.
Full version of the "Ice Skating Clowns" Adult Swim bump. Credit to bumpworthy.com for the video.
View the bump here: https://www.bumpworthy.com/bumps/27
Song: House Beats
Artist: Paul Shaw
Album: Chillout Ambient House
Available from: Universal Production Music*
*Music from production music libraries are not available to the public for purchase or download. However, you are free to listen to the song on their website.
[Adult Swim] is owned by Turner.