American Ninja Warrior "TOP 10" REASONS why YOU NEED to START Ninja Warrior Style Training TODAY!
#AmericanNinjawarriorTraining #Coachkitheninjaguy #Ninjawarrior #Ninjawarriortraining #Top10Reasons #Top10reasonstostart
Hi! I'm Coach Ki the Ninja guy! And Here are 10 GREAT REASONS YOU should start trainman on American Ninja Warrior based obstacles and movements.
Coach Ki's TOP 10 REASONS to do ANW style training/exercise:
1. Fun (Best Motivator for long term sustainability).
2. Growth you can easily measure practically.
3. Community (Healthy environment of encouragement and no judgment).
4. Practical (very wholistic in helping your entire body become amazing).
5. Problem Solving (making you a sharper person mentally).
6. Creativity (Helps grow and improve you by taking a different perspective).
7. Builds Confidence in many facets of your life.
8. You can do Super Human things like Super hero's!
9. Adrenaline (A safe place to get your adrenaline flowing and take risks).
10. SO MANY Life Lesson's to be learned through the sport of Ninja.
What are your reason's for doing ANW style training exercise?