An Important Life Lesson
On 31. January, there was sad news in the newspapers. A 23-year-old Masters student at the University of Duisburg Essen decided to end his life following the hardships he was facing in the university. This acts like the tip of the iceberg of a more serious problem of students being ill-prepared for starting and coping up with their studies in a new country. No matter which country you decide to move to or study in, you have to build everything for yourself from the ground up and there are times when things get tough, but there are always people around you, whom you know or don't know yet, who will be willing to give you their perspective on your problems so that you can manage them better. Although, in the end, still only you can solve your own problem and nobody else, but talking to people around you and listening to their opinions could be a nice place to arrive at a solution to the struggle you are facing at the moment.
#Masters #Students #StudyInGermany