Answering ALL The Reasons Why You Haven't Made Music
I Made a poll the other day asking people to see which option fit the best for them when it came to not making music in a while. Today, I'll give you my solutions for them. Btw, I noticed the typo in the video, but I ain't trying to go back to fix it. Too much work. lol.
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♪♫♪ Need Mastering?:
0:00 Intro
3:03 I know and have everything...But I can't Make Any
6:35 I make songs, but It don't feel perfect to put out
9:54 Example 1 of a Perfectionist Issue
13:37 Example 2 of a Perfectionist Issue
17:17 I make songs, but they got low numbers. I sad.
23:47 I don't feel like I have everything I need
27:44 I can't find the right time to make music anymore
32:57 Outro