Apocalyptic Tortoise Pucks!
Will at Kapidolo Farms come up with a way to have tortoise foods on hand that are nutritious, species-appropriate and shelf stable. In case of an apocalypic interruption in the supply of fresh groceries. (Which we all know would never happen, right?)
He offered for the members of Tortoiseforum to try these out for the cost of postage. For my little buddies, Will selected dried raspberry leaves, rose hips and layer crumbles. Oh, and the agar-agar, of course.
Here's a short video of my experience making agar-agar pucks for my own Redfoot tortoises, using the beautiful, organic ingredients that Will provided.
For the record, the 5 grams of agar-agar would probably gel 10-12 ounces of liquid. My tortoises really liked all the ingredients, but especially the layer crumbles. I tried to cheat by added a little boiling water to the soaking water from the rose hips and sprinking the agar-agar on top. This resulted in a sloppy mess that the tortoises liked very much, but it was not easy to handle or store. The agar-agar has to be briefly boiled to set up properly.
I agree, this is a perfect way to have supplies on hand for whenever fresh foods are lacking. My tortoises liked it enough that I plan to make them a few times each month, just for the fun of watching them chow down.
At Kapidolofarms.com you can find all the quality ingredients to make your own tortoise pucks!