As on 2020 Top 10 World's Largest Companies Market Capitalization
Market capitalisation which is also known as the market value of the company is defined as the total value of outstanding shares of the firm. In simple words it is the value of shares outstanding multiplied by the value per share. E.g.: – XYZ Pvt. Ltd. Has 100,000 outstanding shares and the value per share is Rs.10, then the market capitalisation or the market value of XYZ is Rs.10, 00,000 (Rs. 10 lakhs).
It is common term / method used by investors before investing in any particular company to quickly know / calculate its present market value before investing. There are generally four categories of market capitalisation based on the size and value. Companies with USD $10 billion and more is large cap. Company. Mid capital comprises of USD $2 billion to $10 billion cap. Companies with capital ranging from USD $300 million to $2 billion come under the banner of small capital firms and micro – capital companies have a capital of below USD $300 million. The following are the top ten companies in the world categorised according to their market capitalisation value as of 2020.
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