Atomyo Jobs Radar - Data Entry - Customer Support - Developer - Designer - Daily Top 10 remote jobs
These "Top 10 - Data Entry - Customer Support - Programming - Designer Remote Jobs" were chosen from thousands of jobs available for freelancers around the world.
1. Merge data from 190 Excel files
Keywords: Copy Typing, Data Entry
Description: Have 190 Excel files that need to be combined into one main file. Each of the files only has around 20-50 lines of data so It's a simple copy and pastes job.
Price: $16 / hr
2. Vo for English skill package.
Keywords: Research
Description: Hello, This is Rawaha. I'm a coordinator for DAPS, a research academy in India. We are looking for a voice artist to do a voiceover for a communication skills package for children.
Price: $500-$1k
3. Communication POS machine
Keywords: Programming
Description: I want to build a checkout computer program for store owners. I'd like to be able to figure out the total price in the program, send that amount to a credit card reader, have the reader carry out the transaction, and then report to my application that the transaction was successful or failed.
Price: $961
4. Microsoft Access Database Build
Keywords: Database Development
Description: We are a logistics company looking to build an Access front end to capture data (store number, readable bar code), and then calculate how many cases arrived and amount of stores in a spreadsheet by Trailer#. We have staff on our dock that offloads product and needs to capture the store number and a carton barcode.
Price: $18 / hr
5. Female Office Assistant Needed
Keywords: Customer Support
Description: Female Office Assistant Needed Urgently... Customer Support, Data Processing, Excel, Virtual Assistant, Word.
Price: $15 - $25 / hr
6. Floral Product Name/Description
Keywords: Content Writing
Description: Florist Business with high-end design. The applicant must be highly experienced and good at colour
Price: $18 - $36 / hr
7. Translation of files
Keywords: Writing & Translation
Description: We are looking for professional translators to work on a project for us. That's why we are looking for maximum freelancers who are experienced enough to translate PDF files from English to Spanish.
Price: $1k-$2.5k
8. PHP e-Mail POP/IMAP to MySQL
Keywords: Accounting
Description: We need someone who can write a simple mail handler that receives all new messages delivered to an SMTP server (e.g. ideally your code would connect to a Gmail or other account through POP or IMAP
Price: $1k-$2.5k
9. Professional Website Designers
Keywords: Logo Design
Description: Hey, I am a fitness blogger and I need a professional website designer, who can give me a bold look of my website by elements Recently I am going through some websites I saw an attractive website.
Price: $2.5k-$5k
10. WordPress theme customisation
Keywords: Architect design
Description: My website has everything but not good looking design. So I need someone who is proficient in website design and theme customization inside WordPress.
Price: $29 / hr
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