Battlefront 2 - NEW HEROES GAMEPLAY: BB-8 and BB-9E! Full Killstreak, All Emotes, Abilities & More!
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - NEW HEROES GAMEPLAY: BB-8 and BB-9E! Full Killstreak, All Emotes, Abilities & More!
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Ranking EVERY REINFORCEMENT from WORST to BEST
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - BEST STAR CARDS for EVERY HERO & VILLAIN in ALL GAME MODES! (Updated 2020)
Star Wars Battlefront 2: Two Years Later - The Incredible Comeback of EA's Most Notorious Game
Star Wars Battlefront 2 BB-8 Screenshot in thumbnail from collection screen
Star Wars Battlefront 2 BB-9E Screenshot in thumbnail from collection screen
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Star Wars Battlefront 2 received a VERY important update today, that added the first new heroes in a long time - BB-8 and BB9E, from the Star Wars sequel trilogy! The update also added other content to Star Wars Battlefront 2, including new emotes for Kylo Ren and Finn, new features and animations for fan favorite Battlefront 2 heroes like Darth Vader, Bossk, and Han Solo, and even more!
The channel posts daily Star Wars and Star Wars Battlefront 2 content