Big Reasons Why You Should Never Get A Tattoo
Thinking about getting a tattoo? Way to already be doing your research! Thinking it through and being absolutely sure is critical. But no matter how stoked you are about that "Cabo 2017 shoulder dolphin," there really are reasons for why you might want to hold off on the ink!
You wouldn't undergo surgery with a surgeon you've never met, so don't do the same with your tattoo artist. Before jumping in, get to know your artist, look at her portfolio, and ask for references. And don't go with someone who's never done a tattoo before.
Tattoo artist Mark Detter warns, "It happens far too often...The state requires that artists abide by certain health and safety standards. But there's no requirement that an artist have talent."
Health tech Matt Kachel says a bad tattoo can even leave you vulnerable to disease, saying, "It leaves people exposed to contracting HIV and AIDS and Hepatitis C. These are diseases a person may contract and not know about it for a long time. It can lead to outbreaks, and that's not something that we'd like to see."
And, while you're at it, familiarize yourself with your artist's tools...
Keep watching to learn the Big Reasons Why You Should Never Get A Tattoo!
#Tattoos #NeverDoThis
Stranger danger | 0:18
Mysterious ink | 1:02
You're in love | 1:51
You're a health nut | 2:38
Perceptions are changing | 3:11