Big Upcoming Crossover Movie Rumors No One Is Talking About
With studio consolidation and cinematic universes being the name of the game in Hollywood today, filmmakers are more eager than ever to bring fan favorites together. And you might be surprised by some of the cinematic clashes potentially coming soon to a theater near you.
Likely intrigued by the blockbuster success of live-action movies inspired by '80s cartoons like Transformers, Paramount Pictures announced in 2015 its intention to create a sprawling, multi-film world featuring a number of '80s cartoons, including G.I. Joe, Micronauts, Visionaries, and M.A.S.K.
All those cartoons were built around toy lines, and they're all controlled by toy conglomerate Hasbro now, so one could call this the Hasbro Cinematic Universe. Hasbro's moviemaking wing, Allspark Pictures, will make the movies and Paramount will oversee development.
Oscar winner Akiva Goldsman has been linked to this multi-movie plan that’s compared to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But with 5 years gone without a movie featuring the holographic Visionaries or transforming vehicles of M.A.S.K., it could be that this crossover attempt has faced difficulties getting off the ground.
When Paramount announced its plans for a series of movies based on several lines of Hasbro-owned '80s toys, it didn't yet control the rights to one of the most popular merchandising juggernauts of the '90s: the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.
From 1993 on, the Power Rangers franchise rebooted almost every year, but generally always starred a group of teens who each controlled a giant robot… which in turn would combine to create an even larger robot… which they'd use to fight off evil aliens and monsters.
The Power Rangers are in the Hasbro family, and rumor has it that Hasbro plans on combining the property with another asset: the Transformers. According to a supposed "insider" in contact with journalist Mikey Sutton in September 2019, Hasbro wants both franchises to inhabit the same universe. However, this would not be the Michael Bay Transformers, but rather the vision set forth by the 2018 Transformers spinoff, Bumblebee. Keep watching the video to see all the big upcoming crossover movie rumors no one is talking about.
#Movies MovieRumors
G.I. Joe, Visionaries, and M.A.S.K. | 0:16
Transformers and Power Rangers | 1:12
The Avengers and the X-Men | 2:07
Spider-Man and Venom | 3:03
Bloodshot and Harbinger | 4:05
Oz and Wonderland | 4:59
Django and Zorro | 5:47
Godzilla and King Kong | 6:34
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