c49HockeyBreaks March 2021 Review - Top 5 Pulls of the Month
Box break pulls, Six Pack Satuday pulls and Matthews or McDavid pulls all qualify to be featured in the monthly recap video. The videos will be live at 2pm Eastern, Noon local Mountain time on the 1st of the following month so even pulls from the last day of a month could be featured in that month's top five pulls uploaded the following day
If you enjoyed this video leave a like and comment below what you'd like to see opened next, more box breaks coming soon. If you haven't already make sure to hit the subscribe button, weekly uploads, Matthews or McDavid every Monday, box breaks every Tuesday and Thursday and Six Pack Saturdays every Saturday, all uploads posted at 2:00pm Eastern, Noon local. Also additional random Sunday special uploads also posted at the same 2:00pm Eastern, Noon local whenever I have anything else to upload, so plenty of content to look forward to by hitting that big red 'SUBSCRIBE' button. Also feel free to leave any feedback below, I do my best to reply to every comment
Follow me on Instagram @c49hockeybreaks for behind the scenes shots and sneak peaks previews of what will be coming to the channel next AND @c49cards for pictures of my collection, both PC and other random cards