Celebrity died today January 9th 2022 :Top 10 actor and actress died on January 9th of various years
Top 10 actor and actress died on January 9th of various years
1. Beau Marie St. Clair ( 1952 – January 9, 2016) was an American film producer.
2. Verna Bloom (August 7, 1938 – January 9, 2019) was an American actress.
3. John Reilly (November 11, 1934 – January 9, 2021) was an American film and television actor
4. Jerry Douglas (November 15, 1935 – January 9, 2021) was an American director and writer
5. Lorella De Luca (17 September 1940 – 9 January 2014) was an Italian film, television, and voice actress.
6. Myra Carter (October 27, 1929 – January 9, 2016) was an American stage, screen and television actress.
7. Edward Stewart (23 April 1941 – 9 January 2016), was an English radio broadcaster and TV presenter.
8. Barbara Allyne Bennet (September 7, 1937 – January 9, 2016) was an American film, television and theater actress
9. Angus Scrimm (August 19, 1926 – January 9, 2016) was an American actor, author, and journalist,
10. Paul Koslo (June 27, 1944 – January 9, 2019) was a German-born Canadian actor.
By watching this Tribute Video, it just shows you on how short life can be for some of us.
That is why we all need to start appreciating life more and to also appreciate the time we have left in life.
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