1️⃣Banded lying leg raises 1x15. I did this by tying my resistance band around the bottom of my dresser
2️⃣ Bicycle crunches with sliders 1x20 or 1x10 each side. I’m like I said, I broke my other one so I could only do one side at a time
3️⃣ Bicycle crunches 1x12. This are SO HARD. My goal is to do 30 straight by the end of this whole shit storm. .
Single arm row- Tie your band to something sturdy and make sure you squeeeezeee hard at peak contraction. 3x12-15 each arm
4️⃣A. Pull overs- tie the band to something sturdy that’s higher up- for example you can knot your band and use the top of a door. 3x12
5️⃣B. Single arm pull down - keep the band tied to the top of your door or whatever tall place you chose. Use the cue of digging your elbow into your side and squeezing hard! 3x12
6️⃣ Face pulls- keep the resistance band high and pull it right to about chin level 4x12
7️⃣ A. Slider hamstring curls - 4x12 superset with...
8️⃣B. Banded goodmorning 4x20
9️⃣ Bodyweight Bulgarian split squats 3x20 each leg