Complete in Cast Episode 63 - Top 10 Underappreciated PS1 Games
Welcome to Complete in Cast, the official podcast for Complete in Box Video Games. In episode 63, we try something new an honest to goodness video, what with a cam and everything.
In this episode, Spenser discusses his top 10 underappreciated PS1 games --- some of these may be relatively unknown, some are pretty well-known - he is just looking at games that he thinks people should appreciate more.
Let us know what you think of the new format - it won't be like this every video or episode, but we are hoping to make Complete in Cast a bit more fancy moving forward!
The list:
Honorable mention - Clock Tower
10. Point Blank (series)
9. Dracula: The Resurrection
8. Mega Man Legends
7. Resident Evil Survivor
6. Brave Fencer Musashi
5. Fear Effect
4. Um Jammer Lammy
3. Threads of Fate
2. Bowling
1. Saga Frontier