Conversations with Liam - Liam과의 대화 [국제 가족,국제커플, 혼혈아기]
Conversations with Liam - Liam과의 대화 [국제 가족,국제커플, 혼혈아기]
About a year ago, or at least at the very beginning stages of my youtube movie making, I took a stroll with Liam through the woods behind our house, and we chatted about things. That video did not receive a world wide acclaim as one would have hoped for, but I still enjoy seeing it.
Since then I have made an interview with both Malli and Liam at a beach, where I asked them a bunch of questions. That video received quite a fair number of organic views. I was lucky enough for Jay, one of our subscribers, to volunteer and provide that particular video, in addition to many more, with subtitles, which may have been the reason for the higher organic number of views.
This present video is a second conversation which I had with Liam this past week. Liam is a year older, and a year wiser, maybe. I caught the rare moment in which we had some time to just hang out together and chat, father to son, which is a gem I will treasure forever, as part of my video collection on my SSD as well as this post here on youtube.
Like it or hate it. Here it comes.