Coronavirus Monday 3rd August Update
Cases, 18, 102, 671
Deaths, 689, 908
Cases, 18, 318
Deaths, 221
Cases, + 397 + 671 + 429 = 11, 937
Active cases, 6,489
Deaths, 136
Week 23 to 29 July 2020:
Over 2,500 cases reported
An increase from over 2,200 in the week prior
Mostly 10 to 49 years
Approximately 6% per cent of the cases recently diagnosed have been admitted to hospital
Daniel Andrews
Six weeks, curfew, 8pm to 5am
One person per household to shop for groceries once a day.
State of disaster in Victoria
Masks mandatory when leaving home.
Can only travel within 5 km radius for shopping or exercise
Stage 4 lockdown in Melbourne
Rubbish tips, retail (excluding essential post and grocery), clubs, bars, accommodation, food courts, travel agents, all schools (except for people in essential work can send kids), elective surgery, museums, parks, arts, cinemas, brothels, strip clubs, gambling, all religious centres
Medical/ health/ aged care
Cafe and restaurant (takeaway delivery only)
Hardware (Click and collect only)
Essential services
Emergency services
Building sector (limited to pilot staff only)
Heavy fines in place.
Cases, + 48,849 = 4,677,300
Deaths, + 421 = 155, 333
Past 2 weeks
An average of 61,815 cases per day
7 % down from 2 weeks ago
Dr. Birx
Different from March and April
Extraordinarily widespread
Rural areas, you are not immune or protected
Crucial for all parts of the country to follow safety precautions,
Special warnings for multigenerational households
Assume you are positive if there is an outbreak in your area
Urging states with high numbers to virtual school
House parties, superspreading events rather than superspreading individuals
These need to stop
Dr Desmond Carson (California ER)
Wear masks
Grocery clerks should not have to fight customers
Obesity in the US
Prevalence of obesity was 42.4% in 2017~2018
From 1999–2000 through 2017–2018, the prevalence of obesity increased from 30.5% to 42.4%
Prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%
Heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and several cancers
Breast, colon, uterine, oesophageal, pancreas, renal, hepatic, stomach, gall bladder, ovarian, thyroid, myeloma
Black people 49.6%
Hispanics 44.8%
Whites 42.2%
Asians 17.4%
Up to 20 July
Infections, Health ministry = 278,827.
Infections, Leaked government = 451,024
Deaths, Health ministry = 14,405
Deaths, Leaked government = 42,000
Cases, + 2, 110
90-minute tests
Local plan much more likely to succeed than nationally imposed measures
Matt Ashton, director of public health for Liverpool,
Multi-generational transmission
Enhanced outbreak control action plan
Princes Park
Community volunteers are going door to door
Raise awareness of testing availability and to promote key public health messages
Pop-up walk-in test centre is also available.
Suspension of gatherings and events in the area
Continued closure of community buildings
Shielding continued
Prevent more draconian lockdown
I think trust is a massive issue here. I just don’t think we have trust in the national system for people to tell us what we need to do.
Therefore we are much more likely to have success if we lead this locally, if we use our community champions and leaders, our faith leaders and our volunteers, and use people who actually understand the area, live and work in the area and get the message across that way.
Response from the community to the new measures has been “phenomenal”
Cases, + 25,800 = 2, 333, 677
Deaths, + 541 = 94, 104
Cases, + 52,972 = 1, 803, 695
50,000 for fifth day
Deaths, + 771 = 38,135
South Africa
Cases, 511485
Deaths, 8,366
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