COVID-19 Response | Free Data Science Courses
Free Data Science Courses from 365 Data Science until 15 April 2020 ✅ Sign up here: Learn from home. Keep yourself and others safe!
Hi all,
Like the rest of the world, all of us at 365 Data Science are concerned about the novel Coronavirus outbreak and the impact it is having on so many lives. With people staying at home and universities closing their doors in an effort to contain the virus, online education is more vital than ever for people to maintain and develop their knowledge and skills.
For this reason, we have decided to make the 365 Data Science Online Program free until April 15, 2020. 365 Data Science is a subscription based educational platform for aspiring data scientists. For the first time since our founding, we’re opening up all our content; 21 courses, 100 hours of video instruction and 600+ exercises entirely for free. We hope this will help aspiring data scientists pursue their studies and also contribute to the wellbeing of our global community during this challenging time.