Daily News Analysis Current Affairs, PIB for UPSC Prelims 2020 | दैनिक समाचार विश्लेषण | 4 Mar 2020
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The Current Affairs has become an integral part in the UPSC Exam Preparation and reading the newspapers and correlating the issues in the news to the UPSC Syllabus is crucial, which most of the candidates find difficult. Students, the importance of current affairs in all the stages of UPSC Civil Services Exam cannot be emphasized enough. Every year, prelims contains 30-40% questions which can be solved directly by reading newspapers. So we advise you all daily watch this video to get most relevant current affairs for upsc cse 2020.
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UPSC Edge for Prelims 2020 has been designed to give you an edge over other aspirants. It's a high-performance program. It includes things like high-frequency topics (topics which are very frequently asked in exams), must-know topics, must-know current affairs and other things that are very relevant for UPSC Prelims. All these things will be covered in a concise manner that you can easily follow. UPSC has a vast syllabus. With the help of our expertise, you will be able to navigate UPSC Prelims smoothly. You can rely on our program to score high in the upcoming UPSC Prelims.