David Rowan: "Non-Bullshit Innovation: Radical Ideas[...]" | Talks at Google
David Rowan: "Non-Bullshit Innovation: Radical Ideas from the World’s Smartest Minds" | Talks at Google
David Rowan, former editor-in-chief of Wired UK, talks about the innovation (or lack thereof!) that he has seen across his time working for Wired magazine. He joins us afterwards for a short Q+A.
Moderated by Jack Hidary.
Get the book here: https://goo.gle/2CHJkag.
About the book: David Rowan travels the globe in search of the most exciting and pioneering startups building the future. He's got to know the founders of WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Google, Spotify, Xiaomi, Didi, Nest, Twitter and countless other ambitious entrepreneurs disrupting businesses in almost every sector. And yet too often the companies they're disrupting don't get it. They think they can innovate through jargon: with talk of change agents and co-creation gurus, ideas portals and webinars, make-a-thons and hackfests, paradigm shifts and pilgrimages to Silicon Valley. It's mostly pointless innovation thejackatre - corporate nonsense that has little to do with delivering real change. But during this quest he's also discovered some genuinely exciting and transformative approaches to innovation, often in places you might least expect.