Deck Heroes - The importance of cleanse in top tier setups.
Currently Deck Heroes is dominated by setups with Queen Artolia in them.
If you play deck heroes then you know Queen Artolia is very difficult to remove from the field. Because of this she is the top choice as a carrier for most of the top skills. There are other creatures in the game that can remove Queen Artolia's from the field. The most popular one is Loki.
The solution to this is cleanse. Take a look at this battle and see the benefit for your self. All comments welcome.
Both deck builds are setup as wait time trap strategy. This battle gets wild take a look.
Doomkin Setup: (2 x V star recycle rune, 2 x revive rune)
3 x Queen Artolia with , recycle 2, revive and immunity 10. Loki with Immunity 10, 2 x Spirit Caller with revive and recycle 2. Spirit Painter with recycle 2, Cyber Eye with detonate/rune and High Cleric.
Jay Setup: (2 x revive and 1 x V star recycle rune)
2 x Artolia with [D] revive, Cyber Eye with recycle 2, Spirit Caller with recycle 2, Dragon Lord with cleanse 4, Paragon, Royal Diviner with sacrifice 11, Loki and Blossoms with dispose and flourish rune.
For equipment skills please see the video.