Die besten Videos 2020 (Teil 41) || ✪ Stern DuTube
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Original Links:
0:04 - Mum Calls Her Little Birdie And He Responds! https://youtu.be/UQqqofJXzwY
0:10 - Big Sea Turtle Having A Nap Magnificent Underwater Footage https://youtu.be/RRvKikMeL9g
0:39 - Lady Put A Wig On Her Dog! He Couldn't Look Funnier https://youtu.be/xW_REBIdaFU
0:44 - Magnificent Giraffe Gazelle Standing On Hind-limbs A Must Watch!! https://youtu.be/9d3-HrPCST0
1:20 - Excited Dog Wagging The Wrong Tail https://youtu.be/jntDOJNnfqc
1:26 - This Little Superstar Did An Awesome Hockey Trickshot! Quarantine Skills https://youtu.be/vDaMR9UpYeU
1:34 - Shiba Inu Dancing To Some Sweet Music https://youtu.be/jrFJzrWCxiM
1:44 - Wingsuit Flying, BASE Jump Done Right! https://youtu.be/OSrcjYCTgTc
2:19 - Singing Cat Joined Her Mum For A Duet https://youtu.be/DhNPbNis3gE
2:35 - This Dog Was Hilariously Trying To Get His Mum Out Of Bed https://youtu.be/LXNdfrLsxAI
2:50 - Footage Of A Tornado Hitting A Park In Copenhagen, Denmark https://youtu.be/JJ7U4iWelLI
3:15 - Adorable Golden Dog Closing Doors - What A Smart Girl! https://youtu.be/IR9uXO5T91s
3:29 - This Grasshopper Definitely Had An Upset Stomach Sound On! https://youtu.be/sDSFB6KxVZo
3:44 - Woman Changing The Bandage For A Poor Chicken With A Broken Leg https://youtu.be/fLrmJoLOQu8
4:24 - Adorable Corgi Having A Conversation With His Mum https://youtu.be/hHIZF6hH1Bs
4:39 - Fluffy Bunny Caught Red Handed After Eating A Stuffed Toy. His Reaction Is Hilarious! https://youtu.be/X2oRRgkB7G8
4:57 - Take A Peek Through The Hole For A Pleasant Surprise Cute Doggo! https://youtu.be/LmNAyYAt488
5:11 - Clap For NHS - Woolwich Ferry Goes Wild https://youtu.be/dc9fk0Z9Tzg
5:38 - Dog Had The Funniest Reaction After Having A Taste Of His Treat https://youtu.be/oZVjSzLS7rM
5:51 - Guy Came Across A Big Gray Snake Walking In The Park - Florida, USA https://youtu.be/jc1-cqXEoVQ
6:11 - Puffer Fish Posing For The Camera https://youtu.be/BtdvfkcD5P0
6:27 - Breathtaking 'Hail Core' Cloud Spotted In Winnfield, Louisiana https://youtu.be/qLLBt85PDAo
6:37 - Corgi Vs Hair Brush, It Was Intense https://youtu.be/hJRq9Tkto2E
6:48 - Quarantine PingPong Trick Shots Using Kitchenware https://youtu.be/_dSmdABycPw
7:02 - Woman Got Hurt Trying Out A New Group Quarantine Game https://youtu.be/gtrvlGx5ne8
7:14 - Smart Doggo Switching Off The Light https://youtu.be/E_kyYP3pUq0
7:22 - Tough Crosswind Landing During Dennis Storm https://youtu.be/YMdHTBP5Kl4
8:08 - This Beautiful Tiny Dachshund Puppy Will Melt Your Heart! https://youtu.be/FKv37LealwY
8:18 - Hop On, Little Birdie https://youtu.be/JS2bGSoXGNQ
8:29 - Red Bearded Dragon Having A Grasshopper For A Snack https://youtu.be/Ojd64sQ76xY
8:39 - This Puppy Only Pretends To Be Swimming https://youtu.be/oxXdh0U1JYs
8:53 - Responsible Cat Wouldn't Play With Dad While He's Working At Home https://youtu.be/Rl30DsKpDcE
8:59 - Hungry Doggo Stealing Some Spaghetti From His Dad https://youtu.be/KvvrDc7955o
9:06 - Lion Family Love Captured On Camera! This Is Heartwarming https://youtu.be/TAC51VdP0Mg
9:28 - Deadly Tornado Hitting Oklahoma City! https://youtu.be/5U_FXTFtRPA
9:44 - Excited Dog Trying To Catch The Water Hose https://youtu.be/1mWSBQ0Sohg
9:54 - Guy Smoothly Jumped Into His Car Through The Window! Cool Trick https://youtu.be/EqF9zcPKWaY
9:58 - How To Trick Your Duck Into Eating https://youtu.be/FKgmy1GXhSc
10:07 - Emperor Penguin Falls In Water https://youtu.be/btF-KnslL7Q
10:17 - This Skier Was Literally Flying In His Skis On Snow https://youtu.be/Wko3_4_DQNg
10:55 - Drummer Talented Duck Giving Up A Good Performance https://youtu.be/uu-zrXkctAU
11:12 - Angry Parrot Looking For Seeds https://youtu.be/P22RRwgMYI4
Der Outro Song - Chinese instrument, Guzheng (Smile Wang)