Disney's Party of 2: Away from the Parks VLOG #3 - Working From Home & Top 5 Disney World Resorts!
Hi Everyone,
With Disney World closed for another couple of weeks (at least), we have decided to continue adding home vlogs to our weekly content. Today's vlog will give you an idea of what we've been up to this week and will also go through both of our top 5 Disney World Resorts. These are definitely subject to change in the future as we check out new resorts, so these are based on ones that we have both stayed at.
If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in our next at home vlog please leave them in the comments section below. Ideas we have include:
1.) Question and Answer sessions (from the comments of previous videos)
2.) Reviews and suggestions related to Disney movies or shorts
3.) Top 5 or Top 10 lists related to Disney
Please continue to subscribe, like, and comment. We appreciate all of your support as always and feel free to leave any suggestions for what you'd like to see in a future "Away from the Parks Vlog". Be on the lookout for Thursday's video (April 2nd) at 12PM EST. Our thoughts are with everyone during this time and we'll see ya real soon!