Dragon Ball Power Levels Over Time REMASTERED (2 Seconds = 1 Episode)
This animated plot shows the top 10 character power levels in Dragon Ball from Dragon Ball Z through Dragon Ball Super episode 131.
This is a remastered and rescaled version of my original video:
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The original video included original Dragon Ball in addition to Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. In the remastered version, nothing would have changed in original Dragon Ball section of the video, so I did not to include it. In the remastered version, I used the official power levels through the Frieza saga. Power levels for the remainder of the video had to be scaled up accordingly. I also incorporated some of your feedback, such as slowing the play speed a bit and added some power level speculation at the end.
Note that even after rescaling and adjusting all power levels upward significantly, the numbers will still be considered conservative by most standards. This is mainly because I did not use huge multipliers for calculating transformations. I don't believe Toriyama ever intended for transformations to be x10,000+ power ups. Rather, when a character achieves a new form (SSJ/SSG), the initial power up is very large, but afterward the character is able to retain a good portion of that power in their base form. For example, the first time Goku goes Super Saiyan he gets a x50 power boost (3 million to 150 million) but after that his base power level goes up significantly, on the order of a permanent x10 power boost. This means subsequent uses of the Super Saiyan form only need a x5 power multiplier to achieve the same x50 effect of the first transformation. I believe this is more in line with the reality of what we see in the show and it makes far more sense in terms of the numbers, because for gigantic multipliers to work either the saiyans base forms need to be too weak or the numbers on their top level transformations are ridiculously large. It also tends to trivialize previous villains which I don't think is accurate.
Anyhow, I hope you like it!
Data set informed by known official power level numbers listed here: (https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Power_Levels)
Tools Used:
Plotting: Flourish