E8 Felix vs Max |Top 10 player GB |Tiebreak to 10
This series was filmed before Covid 19 took hold of the world. Key links & Information:
Part 1/50 of our new 2020 series “Changing lives through tennis” in which we play 50 Tie Break to 10 matches against Junior Pro & Club Players, Coaches and ATP professionals - all in support of 2 charities that change lives of young people.
►Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) https://www.c-r-y.org.uk
►Tennis4theWorld http://tennis4theworld.org
►Cardiac Risk in the Young Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/donate/2650428511751077/
►Free heart screening for 14-35 ( based in UK ): https://www.testmyheart.org.uk
►Tennis4theworld fundraiser: Link to come - please be patient
►All info’s below within one link:
►Are you a club and or a tennis player that would like to be part of this series? Please connect with us via DM on our Insta account @tennisbrothers
We are very thankful to the following global sponsors of this series:
►BIDI BADU: https://www.bidibadu.com/en
► HEAD: https://www.head.com/en-IC/sports/tennis/
Both BIDI BADU as well as HEAD support the charities directly with donations as well as goods. We as tennis Brothers don’t benefit in any way from their engagement within the “Change lives through tennis” campaign.
►Many thanks to Virgin Riverside Chiswick for letting us play this game on their indoor courts. https://www.virginactive.co.uk/clubs/chiswick-riverside/facilities/tennis
More information about the charities we support:
►Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) https://www.c-r-y.org.uk is a charity which wants every young person to have the choice to have their heart tested. If you are aged 14 to 35 ( based in the UK ) you can go to www.testmyheart.org.uk and book a free heart screening.
Every week in the UK at least 12 young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. We want to support CRY in their cause to prevent young sudden cardiac arrest through awareness screening and research.
CRY was founded in May 1995 to raise awareness of Young Sudden Cardiac Death YSCD/SADS). Since then, over 200,000 young people have been tested by CRY.
This has identified; (August 2019) more than 650 young people with potentially life threatening conditions and more than 2,000 young people with non-life threatening conditions which can cause problems in later life, if not monitored or treated.
While doing this we are honoured to have the full support of CRY Patron Roger Taylor MBE. Roger is one of the great British tennis legends. He reached the semi-finals of Wimbledon 3 times, was Great Britain’s Davis Cup Captain & won the US Open twice in a row as a doubles player.
►Tennis4theWorld http://tennis4theworld.org is helping children in disadvantaged communities around the world by collecting and sending donated tennis equipment to help children learn and improve their skills, capacities and capabilities and improve their conditions of life.
By donating tennis equipment and kit Tennis4theworld wants to enable children from less fortunate communities to play and develop in stimulating, creative and safe environments, whilst learning to respect others and care for their world and environment through tennis.
►If you want to donate tennis gear to Tennis4theWorld or like to connect with them - please send a mail directly to: [email protected]
How do we as tennis Brothers help?
►We are helping the charity to raise awareness, so please share this message and help to save young lives. By making millions aware of their cause we hope that some of our fans and viewers take action and support the charities.
We are also donating a % of all the revenue that our complete tennis Brothers YouTube channel generates ( more then 300+ videos ) to both charities. If you feel you would like to give to then please click on one of the above mentioned fundraiser links.
SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://tennisbrothers.click/and-subs...
Share our video with your friends ;-)
Our other 2020 initiative:
► Join our VIP Members Group pre our 2020 Fitness App launch: https://tennisbrothers.click/fitness-app
Join us here:
►INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/tennisbrothers/
►INSTAGRAM Felix: https://www.instagram.com/felixmischker/
►FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/tennisbrothe...
►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/tennisbrothers_
►WEBSITE: https://www.tennisbrothers.net
#tennisbrothers #tennis #changinglivesthroughtennis