Eagle News April 1st 2020
Social Distancing Eagle News is back for another jam-packed episode!! Check here for all the news you need to know while navigating this crisis. NOTE: We apologize for the video being square. We will try and fix this for the next episode.
Anchor/Executive Producer: Jackson Sallee
Co-Anchors: Tessa Williams, Jenna Peoples, Isaiah Browski
Advisers: Mrs. McElwain & Mrs. Kennedy
Stories by:
Andy Herbert - A+
Jordan Casey - 7 Day Forecast
Mrs. Michael - Inspiration (Tessa Williams - Anchor)
Tessa Williams - Exercise Tips
Mrs. Land - Top 10 tips
Jenna Peoples - Masks
Isaiah Browski - Costco
College Board COVID-19 AP Changes (tests dates up by April 5th): https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/coronavirus-updates/taking-ap-exams
AP Review YouTube: https//www.youtube.com/user/advancedplacement
Missouri Department of Higher :Education and Workforce Development (A+ Guidelines questions): https://dhewd.mo.gov/ppc/grants/aplusscholarship.php
Article on masks: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/03/not-wearing-masks-protect-against-coronavirus-big-mistake-top-chinese-scientist-says?fbclid=IwAR3V4CCXcprDb7QIf_8MpettLADJTs-65-S8IbpRlOWoP0uMWg-CuPVJb-4
Be sure to follow all of our social media! All of our handles, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and of course this, are GVHSEagleMedia