Easter Eggs You Missed In The Suicide Squad
James Gunn's gory and hilarious DCEU triumph, "The Suicide Squad," is jam-packed with DC Comics characters, from the iconic (Harley Quinn) to the obscure (Weasel, Polka-Dot Man, Mongal, Javelin, TDK, etc.) to the ultra-obscure (Calendar Man, Double Down). It's also filled to the brim with fun Easter eggs for fans to find, as you'd expect from the comics-loving Gunn, who also famously packed his "Guardians of the Galaxy" movies with small details. "The Suicide Squad" has fun cameos, callbacks to 2016's "Suicide Squad," and a ton of fun comics references. Think you spotted them all? Here are some Easter eggs you missed in "The Suicide Squad."
#SuicideSquad #DCComics #DCEU
You’re so vain | 0:00
Cameos galore | 1:19
Unexpected survivors | 2:28
A kryptonite bullet | 3:52
The stuff of Legends | 5:12
That’s Milton | 6:41
Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/480401/easter-eggs-you-missed-in-the-suicide-squad/