Edible Bean School: Weed control strategies for top yields
When it comes to weed control, getting it right is key for edible bean success.
University of Guelph research shows, on average, weed interference can cause yield losses up to 56 per cent compared to 50 per cent in corn and 36 per cent in soybeans. When comparing edible beans and soybeans, U of G weed scientist Dr. Peter Sikkema notes that edible beans emerge just as quickly as soybeans, but they do not grow as rapidly or close the canopy as fast as soybeans, leaving them more sensitive to weed interference and greater yield loses.
On this episode of the RealAgriculture Edible Bean School, host Bernard Tobin and his guests focus on weed control strategies growers can take to the field for the 2021 season. Sikkema offers tips for growers in Ontario, while Manitoba Agriculture weed specialist Kim Brown-Livingston discusses how weed control strategies can differ in Western Canada and why.