English Problem! No Problem | Top Vocabulary Show #107 By SV Singh Sir | Utkarsh Classes
#AdvancedVocubulary #EnglishGrammar #TheHinduVocab
English Problem! No Problem | Top Vocabulary Show #107 By SV Singh Sir | Utkarsh Classes
The Hindu Newspaper is treated as the Bible by the various exam aspirants such as bank exam, SSC, or UPSC.
In this video "The Hindu Vocabulary", we have come up with a list of difficult words taken from The Hindu editorials, their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and the correct usage of the words.
As we all know in the English section the vocabulary comes from The Hindu newspapers in the most bank and competitive exams and it is very essential to read and memories vocab from The Hindu Vocabulary daily.
You can also test your vocabulary and evaluate yourself.