EPIC Wood & Metal Dining Table & Chairs Build
After remodeling almost the entire first floor of my house, in the wreckage, we seemed to have lost the dining table..... I lied. I threw it away. So, now it is finally time to make a new one and try my hand and making some Industrial style chairs. I got some inspiration from Jory Brigham, and designed this white oak and metal dining set.
SQUAREWAVE TIG 200 PROMO - http://bit.ly/TIG200Malecki
CODE: Malecki1 - OFFER VALID THRU 2/24/2020
SPONSORED BY: http://bit.ly/JM_Lincoln
Proudly Supported By:
Woodcraft - http://bit.ly/JM_Woodcraft2020
Timberland PRO - http://bit.ly/JM_TimberlandPRO
Titebond - http://bit.ly/JM_Titebond
My Top Tools and Product Affiliates
Woodworking Tools - https://kit.com/JohnMaleckiBuilds/woodworking
Metalworking Tools - https://kit.com/JohnMaleckiBuilds/metal-working-tools
Favorite Finishes - https://kit.com/JohnMaleckiBuilds/finishes
My Camera Gear - https://kit.com/JohnMaleckiBuilds/camera-gear
Send me your stickers!
John Malecki
224 Braddock Ave.
Braddock Pa 15104