EUROVISION 2020 | MY TOP 10 (SO FAR) March 02
Countries / Artist / Song for Eurovision Song Contest 2020 (so far):
Albania: Arilena Ara - Shaj
Armenia: Athena Manoukian - Chains On You
Australia: Montaigne - Don't break me
Belgium: Hooverphonic - Release Me
Czech Republic: Benny Cristo - Kemama
France: Tom Leeb - The Best In Me
Greece: Stefania - Supergirl
Iceland: Daði & Gagnamagnið - Think About Things
Italy: Diodato - Fai rumore
Latvia: Samanta Tina - Still breathing
Lithuania: The Roop - On Fire
Moldova: Natalia Gordienko - Prison
Norway: Ulrikke - Attention
Poland: Alicja Szemplińska – Empires
Serbia: Hurricane - Hasta la vista
Slovenia: Ana Soklič - Voda
Spain: Blas Cantó - Universo
Ukraine: Go_A - Solovey
All rights belong to the EBU and the national broadcasters /Record-labels / artists.
Tags: Eurovision , ESC , Elvana Gjata , Albania , EBU , LGBTQ , Europe , TOP ,
NF , Netherlands , Rotterdam , Spain , Blas Cantó , Czech Republic , Benny Christo , Australia , Montaigne , Latvia , Italy , Diodato , Ulrikke, The Roop , Lithuania , Norway , Armenia , France , Belgium , Hooverphonic , GO_A , Ukraine , Slovenia , Poland