Excel vs Misfits | Week 2 Day 2 S10 LEC Spring 2020 | XL vs MSF W2D2
MSF vs XL LEC 2020 Spring Week 2 Day 2 - Misfits vs Excel lol eSports eu lcs Spring 2020.
LoL eSports S10 LEC Spring 2020 W2D2 - Excel vs Misfits | League of Legends European Championship 2020 MSF vs XL W2D2 VOD 1080p Full HD.
First match of the day - Misfits vs Excel best of 1.
XL vs MSF W2D2 full game in HD 1080p.
Excel Esports Line-up:
Expect - top Sett
Caedrel - Jungle Jarvan IV
Mickey - mid Morgana
Patrik - ADC Xayah
Tore - Support Rakan
Misfits Line-up:
DanDan - top Gangplank
Razork - jungle Lee Sin
Febiven - mid LeBlanc
Bvoy - ADC Aphelios
Denyk - support Tahm Kench
Patch: 10.2 - Season 10
Game date: 01.02.2020 | 02/01/2020 | February 1st 2020
Game place: LEC studio, Berlin
Casters: Froskurinn and Drakos
S10 LEC Spring 2020 - All Games: https://bit.ly/36qgHLk
S10 LEC Spring 2020 Week 2 Playlist: https://bit.ly/2OdFVGf
S10 LEC Spring 2020 Week 1 Playlist: https://bit.ly/2RL0k6B
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