Exposing Online Scams - The Secrets They Don't Want You To Know
Exposing Online Scams - The Secrets They Don't Want You To Know
Today we go back to the whiteboard to clearly explain how scams, ponzi & pyramid schemes work. All the techniques they use to trick people & how you can outsmart them. Please share this video with friends & family to educate them on how scams work if you think they may be involved in an investment scheme. There are many scams in the world of Bitcoin & cryptocurrency so please stay safe. #scams #bitcoin #cryptocurrency
Public Blockchains Explained: https://youtu.be/Q-X4MgoKGPg
Defi vs Scams Explained: https://youtu.be/6yO9pxf0-3M
Compound Interest Calculator: https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/calculators-and-apps/compound-interest-calculator
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