Faryaad Episode 14 [Subtitle Eng] - 2nd January 2021 - ARY Digital Drama
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Faryaad is the story of Mahnoor and Haroon who are in love with each other but their intimacy fails to get materialized into marriage because life is not always as one dreams it to be.
Zahid Ahmed ,
Adeel Chaudhry,
Aiza Awan,
Nawal Saeed,
Zainub Qayoom
Gul e Rana Azhar
Sana Askari
Mariam Ansari
Raja Haider
Amna Malik
Naveed Raza
Tabbasum Arif
Malik Raza
Abdul Rahim
Fahad Ahmed
Watch #Faryaad Every Fri–Sun at 7:00 pm Only on ARY Digital
#ZahidAhmed #AdeelChaudhry, #AizaAwan #NawalSaeed
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