Fate/Stay Night UBW Abridged - Ep6: Teacher, A Lesson
Having been attacked by Rider at the school and realizing Caster's master must be their beloved teacher Kazuki, Rin and Shirou immediately set out to do him a death. Immediately. Like right away, that very moment. As Kazuki walks the kinda crazy walk home (like have you seen how far he walks?) he is confronted, and Shirou chooses this moment to confront the elephant in the room.
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Written by Logan Laidlaw
Edited by Logan Laidlaw / Lip Sync by Aaron Robert Parnell
Shirou Emiya - Matthew "YamatoSFX" Kok
Archer - Logan Laidlaw
Saber - Ariel Hansen
Rin Tohsaka - Corey Woods
Caster - Ama Bennington
Souichirou Kuzuki - Jesse Inocalla
Ilyasviel Von Einzbern - Mimi Mimoa
Sella - Lindsay Navarro
Leysritt - Carrie "xbubblemunkyx" Johnston
Berserker - Logan Laidlaw
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