Fauci, Walensky testify at Senate hearing on omicron variant - 1/11 (FULL LIVE STREAM)
Top infectious-disease expert Anthony Fauci and director of the Centers for Disease Control Rochelle Walensky testify at a Senate hearing on the federal response to omicron. The officials are likely to face questions about muddled messaging, shifting pandemic guidelines and the Biden administration’s plan for increased coronavirus testing.
The United States continues to see a huge spike in coronavirus cases driven by the omicron variant, with numbers surging to double that of the previous January 2021 peak. So far, omicron seems much more contagious, resulting in many more cases. However, while the variant is more transmissible, it seems less likely to result in death or severe hospitalizations.
Rhonda Colvin will anchor coverage from the Washington Post newsroon, with reporting from Dan Diamond, Laura Meckler and James Hohmann. Read more: https://wapo.st/3n8ySQM. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube: https://wapo.st/2QOdcqK
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