FIFA Mobile 20 - MARKET Crash! Investment opportunity! BUY OR SELL??
Fifa Mobile 20 - its time to talk about the market! I created a pull and most of you wanted to see market video. Here it is! In today's video we will talk about the market. The situation is pretty clear. TOTW players and Clair de lune players are the cheapest at the moment. In other words, those are the players who are our potential investments. First I sold a lot of players from my bench. I made a 14.5m. However, I didn't keep those coins. No, I invested half of that amount! My biggest investments are Chilwell and Ricardo Pereira. LB and RB from EPL. I choose them to be my main investments. Is that the best investment at the moment? I don't know, nobody does. I give you my reasons why this is the best investment for me. You can copy that but on your own risk! The market is unpredictable so don't blame me, if something goes wrong. Now we clear somethings, let's get back to our investments. Besides those 2 players, I have some other options for you. For example, a very good and safe investment is 80+ below 60K. Most of the players that will appear are from Clair de lune event. Those players give 17 chem and not too mensions their xp value. If you cant snipe him I have a solution even for that xD. 78+ players below 10K. Those are pretty easy to snipe. If you don't realy feel sniping and you still want to invest your coins, get Barella 79 Cm below 20K. I review some other options for you in the video check it out. For more videos click that Subscribe button.