Fortnite Season 5 Settings Guide! - FPS Boost, Colorblind Modes, & More!
In this video, I talk about about the best new settings for Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5. As I'm sure you all know, the FPS and overall look of the game has been really weird this season. The map is insanely bright in the sand, and due to bad FPS and frame drops everything feels delayed. Don't worry if you're experiencing these issues because everyone else is too. Luckily, I was able to gather the best brightness settings, video graphic quality options, and FPS Boost tricks and tips to help optimize your game in Season 5. These will include Nvidia graphic quality setting changes you can make to your brightness, contrast, and digital vibrancy, tips on which color blind modes to choose from the available colorblind options (deteuranope, protanope, and tritanope) and other tips and tricks for more frames on both console and PC. I tried to include as many tricks to boost your FPS as I could for both console (PS4 and Xbox One) and PC, mobile and switch, but I obviously could not fit everything into one video. Definitely check out some of my other ultimate settings guides and FPS Boost tutorials in order to get more FPS and reduce input lag (make your game run smoother). So, if you're looking for the best settings in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 to boost your FPS and fix your games colors, then this video is definitely for you. On top of that, this video will show you tricks to boost your FPS, make your game look brighter, help you win more fights and get more wins in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 2 Season 5.
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Song: "Respite" by OZSOUND
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