Fortnite: Steel Snow Wrap!!! *Place Top 10 With Friends In Squads* Operation Snowdown Challenges!!!
Fortnite: Steel Snow Wrap!!! *Place Top 10 With Friends In Squads* Operation Snowdown Challenges!!!
Fortnite has launched Operation Snowdown challenges and the latest challenge to complete is here.
How to get Steel Snow wrap? Place top 10 with friends in squads during the Operation Snowdown challenges event within Fortnite. While it may be easy for some to place top 10 with friends in squads for some players there are players that may need a little help. In this video we cover a lot of basic strategies to help your squad place top 10 and get your free wrap easily. While we talk about the idea of riding out the edge of the storm and hiding from other players to make your process a little easier there are many other ideas in this video as well. Steel Snow is a pretty cool wrap even though it is not animated. While we like our animated wraps in Fortnite Steel Snow doesn't need to be as it's a fun wrap for free to remember Christmas 2020 or Operation Snowdown Challenges with.
Overall Steel Snow will always be one of the best wraps in Fortnite as it will be very limited and anyone who misses out on getting it wont have it. Plus all you have to do to get Steel Snow is to place top 10 with friends in a squads game that's easy.
Fortnite: Dance At Different Holiday Trees!!! - (ALL 5 Locations) - Where Are The Christmas Trees?
Fortnite Operation Snowdown challenges have started and our second-day challenges are to "Dance at different holiday trees" scattered across the map. The holiday trees in Fortnite can be tricky to find however in this video we cover each location. Fortnite is calling the Christmas trees holiday trees this season to avoid offending anyone. Where are the holiday trees in Fortnite? They are in 5 different locations across the map in named locations surrounded by holiday presents. Fortnite is not having a traditional winterfest in 2020 but rather a series of challenges called operation snowdown and various LTM game modes. Luckily we do still get the holiday trees in-game this year.
Fortnite: Planes Are Back!!! - Where Are the Planes??? (ALL 5 Locations) - Snowmando Outposts
Fortnite Operation Snowdown challenges are here with the first challenges being focused on visiting Snowmando outposts. There are currently 5 Snowmando outposts in the game scattered across the map of Fortnite. The Snowmando Outposts are hard to find even once you know where they are as there is a glitch making them not load into each game. In this video, we show all 5 of the Snowmando Outpost locations as well as all the plane locations. Be sure to search chests when you visit each Snowmando outpost to get all your challenges done. Operation Snowdown challenges will allow players to earn Snowmando skin in the game of Fortnite.
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