FPSC jobs 2021 || federal public service commission jobs 2021 || BIG TOP X 2
FPSC jobs 2021 || federal public service commission jobs 2021 || BIG TOP X 2
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Recruitment in services is carried out irrespective of gender, ethnic, racial, sectarian distinction. Moreover, vacancies to staff members in any field/department/organization/ministry are allotted after the formal decision of the legislators in respective parliament/government and each of the outfits has its authorized strength and allocated equipment specified for official task and job. Recruitment both at tier and occupation in service and group vary commensurating with qualification. All services are organized in hierarchical order and officials serving them are categorized in various grades/ranks/brackets/groups for the sake of smooth, transparent, and meticulous execution of tasks and are paid accordingly. Normally services for officials are classified into four categories. They include the following:-
Grades and Nature of Job / Remarks
1) BPS - 16 to 22 Gazetted Officers / Commissioned Officers in Army/Navy/PAF and Junior Commissioned Officers of Armed Forces (JCOs)
As per Armed Forces Law Manuals, JCOs (Jnr Commissioned Officers) are Commissioned Offer / Gazetted Officers.
Junior commissioned officer means, a person commissioned, gazetted, or in pay as a junior commissioned officer in the army.
References: army act 1952,*P N ordinance 1961, manual of naval law Navy regulations, and *Pakistan Air Force act 1953.
2) BPS - 11 to 15 Non-Gazetted Officers / Junior Officers and Field Supervisors
3) BPS - 5 to 10 Lower-grade officials/Fieldwork supervisors, SNCOs/NCOs.
4) BPS - 1 to 4 Labourers / Fieldworkers