FPX vs SN - Game 2 | Week 10 Day 7 LPL Summer 2020 | FunPlus Phoenix vs Suning G2
lpl W10D7 SN vs FPX Game 2 Week 10 Day 7 China LPL Summer 2020 - Suning vs FunPlus Phoenix Game 2 | FPX vs SN G2 2020 English VOD | FunPlus Phoenix vs Suning G2 VOD
League of Legends Pro League China LPL Summer 2020 Playoffs.
Fifth match of the day - Suning vs FunPlus Phoenix best of 3 Game 2. SN vs FPX G2.
FunPlus Phoenix Line-up:
Top - Khan Renekton
Jungle - Tian Lillia
Mid - Gimgoon Jayce
ADC - Doinb Cassiopeia
Support - Crisp Nautilus
Suning Line-Up:
Bin - Top Gangplank
SofM - Jungle Olaf
Angel - Mid Zoe
Hunafeng - ADC Aphelios
SwordArt - Support Leona
Patch: 10.15 - Season 10
Game date: 09.08.2020 | 08/09/2020 | August 9th 2020
Game place: china
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