Gk and GS question asked in Hindi for Railway | RRB NTPC 2019 | GROUP D 2019 | Important GS question
Gk and GS question asked in Hindi for Railway | RRB NTPC 2019 | GROUP D 2019 | Important GS question
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Speed test Link :https://successkey98.net
Download Successkey98 Application :https://bit.ly/2JE5xKO
Telegram Channel LINK :https://t.me/success_key98
Download pdf from :https://bit.ly/2qNCXQl
Railway NTPC Strategy video Link :https://bit.ly/2NTMEHI
Education key86 channel link : https://bit.ly/2TkXzvB
|| RRB NTPC Class time table ||
Current Affairs :4.30 AM
GK/GS पिछले एग्जाम में के प्रश्न (GROUP D/ NTPC )के लिए : 4 PM
GS top 40 QUESTION QUIZ (GROUP D/ NTPC )के लिए : 4PM
Math Practice SET (EXAM PATTERN ): 6 PM
GK TOP 40 Que (GROUP D/ NTPC )के लिए :8.00PM
Reasoning Practice SET (EXAM PATTERN ): 10PM
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gk and gs question asked in hindi for railway group d