[Granblue Fantasy] Rebalance Vaseraga with Outfit + Ultima Axe Team Showcase - Lv 120 Metatron メタトロン
he now hit hard from his self buff and can tank damage for your team with his passive with boost to DEF base on how low HP and furthur increased DEF by Extended Mastery Support Skill along with histility and as long as he has HP higher than 25%, he is unkillable, immune to debuff and his buff can't be dispel too, also his 2nd skill can be auto activate by being a target when has Aubade Grynoth buff which get from using ougi and no longer require boss to over and this buff has effect that boost to skill spec. Overall he is good but I think he still not on top priority character to use if you have other good character
as for Axe team, as I tried I think Axe still hard to call arise now, because unlike Dagger, this team pure damage dealer team without provide any utility so MC have to take all role about debuffing, also either clarity or dispel if that it need in that fight what about spam attack button and reload? Soldier+Kolulu enmity skill spec already do better performance for that role so if Axe would be arise, this team have to either get better performance than team that already exist or something that unique only for Axe
btw.... Metatron seem ignore Vaseraga's hostility up and like to hit MC instead, what wrong with you!?
Class : Berserker
Character :
-Lv 100 Seox [Perpetuity Ring]
-Lv 100 Vaseraga
-Lv 80 Helel ben Shalem
-Lv 80 Nier [Perpetuity Ring]
-Lv 80 Vikala
Character Zenith/EMP : https://i.imgur.com/kErxR8B.png
Battle Log : https://i.imgur.com/D8IXXUK.png