Hellos out to Callums class of 2020 from the Philippines
Shown in video - A small half shell of what will grow into a Giant Clam in it's natural habitat being the shallow coral reefs of the Asia Pacific. Next are some Cone Snail shells and these are of the poisonous variety. Cone Snails have a stinging harpoon that if stepped on by a swimmer or diver will omit a serious toxin that can even be deadly to a Human. The Cone Snail is listed in the top 6 things that is extremely dangerous in the Philippines Waters. Next is a land Snail shell that as you can see gets very large. These Snails eat vegetation and can commonly be found in gardens that are watered regularly in the Philippines. as they love moist environments. Many of the Shells of this Snail will end up at some point on a beach and when the shells are abandoned they are readily taken over by the Hermit Crabs that are abound in Philippine waters and the Hermit Crab becomes the new resident. Next is the stunningly beautiful Tiger Cowrie shell. There are 1000's of types that make up the Cowrie species and this is among the most desired as far as Shell collectors are concerned. Feeding on Sea Sponges at night and old broken down corals are what they love. Found on the sandy bottoms they are generally hidden in the day and at times they just lay motionless in the open.
On to plants now first is shown the Bouganvilla Tree. With toxic sap and spiny thorns this colorful plant loves to be watered every other day and comes in roughly 10 different colors not counting all the shades of such. A very common decorative plant here in the Philippines and World wide as a whole. Even where you live this plant can be grown in summer outside and moved inside during the winter. Below zero temperatures will kill this plant immediately. Next is the Cosmos Flower. This hardy plant grows very fast and in a few short months can reach 5 ft. in height and bare 100's of flowers per plant but it does only live a few summers and than dies out. They come in many colors but the most common ones in the Philippines are orange and yellow. This Cosmos flower also is a great Mosquito repellent as they hate the oily sap of this plant that has a nice smelling flower but not so nice smelling greenery. Next shown is a Jack fruit tree, Banana tree, Coconut tree. I will leave such information on those trees for the Teacher to explore along with School and or Class. The main things that the Philippines are well known for as a staple industry of sorts are Sugar, Fruits, Fish and hand made cultural products such as baskets, mats, blinds, fans and wood carvings.Hope you enjoyed and best regards from the Philippines.