History of table tennis player Timo Boll from 1985 to 1998. With Jan-Ove Waldner. The legend VOL.1
Historia del jugador de tenis de mesa Timo Boll desde 1985 a 1998. Con Jan-Ove Waldner.
Brief graphic compilation of table tennis player Timo Boll, starting from its beginnings in table tennis with just four years old (1985), until 1998, where with only 17 years old, he managed to beat Jan- Ove Waldner in the Euro 98 in Bremen (Germany), being Jan-Ove Waldner at that time the number 3 in the world ranking.
Timo Boll starts training at just 4 years old (1985) and until today (2020), he has been dedicated to table tennis for 35 years and since 2003 he was able to be tennis number 1 for the first time in 2003 of world table and until today with an age of 38 years, has not stopped being among the top ten players of the world circuit of table tennis. Simply extraordinary!
In these 35 years dedicated to table tennis, he has competed against all the best table tennis players in the world and from several generations and among others, Jan-Ove Waldner, Vladimir Samsonov, Tomokazu Harimoto, Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Xu Xin , Dimitrij Ovtcharov, Ma Lin, Wang Hao, Zhang Jike ...
#TimoBoll #tabletennis #TimoBoll1985
Date of birth: March 8, 1981 (age 38), Erbach, Germany
Height: 1.81 m
Weight 73 kg
Best ranking: No. 1 (for the first time in January 2003)
Sports debut: 1997
Spouse: Rodelia Jacobi (d. 2002)
Borussia Düsseldorf Club
Sport table tennis
Classic Type
Offensive Style, Block, Middle Distance
## Medal winners
# World championship
Bronze medal 2011: Roterdam (Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands) is eliminated in the semifinals against Zhang Jike, who was proclaimed champion
Runner-up 2005: Shanghai (Flag of the People's Republic of China) in the doubles modality, partnering with Christian Süb.
# World Cup
Champion (2002, 2005)
Finalist (2008, 2012, 2017 and 2018)
Third place (2010, 2014)
# ITTF World Tour Grand Finals
Champion (2005)
Semifinalist (2002, 2004 and 2017)
# Top-16 Europe
Champion (2002, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2010 and 2018)
Third place (2005 and 2019)
# European Championship
Champion (2002, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2018)
Finalist (2009, 2014)
Semifinalist (2003, 2016)
Year 2010/2011: He regained his position as world leader in January of the year 2011 by beating then No. 1, the Chinese Ma Long. He has won the No. 1 position thanks to the multiple victories of the same year such as the Volskwagen cup, the Japan open Kobe, the Polish open, silver medal in the WTTC 2010 played in Moscow, and other international championships.
Timo Boll plays with his Bundensliga team (Borussia Düsseldorf), with whom he has won the German league title for many consecutive years.
June 2017: Sub-Champion in 2017 CHINA OPEN, losing against Dimitrij Ovtcharov 4 sets to 3.
Breve recopilación gráfica del jugador de tenis de mesa Timo Boll, partiendo desde sus comienzos en el tenis de mesa con apenas cuatro años de edad (1985), hasta el año 1998, donde con tan solo 17 años de edad, consiguió ganarle a Jan-Ove Waldner en el Euro 98 de Bremen (Alemania), siendo Jan-Ove Waldner en ese momento el número 3 del ranking mundial.
Timo Boll empieza a entrenar con apenas 4 años de edad (1985) y hasta el día de hoy (2020), lleva 35 años dedicados al tenis de mesa y desde que en el año 2003 consiguiera por primera vez, ser el número 1 del tenis de mesa mundial y hasta el día de hoy con una edad de 38 años, no ha dejado de estar entre los jugadores “top ten” del circuito mundial de tenis de mesa. Simplemente extraordinario!!
En estos 35 años dedicados al tenis de mesa, ha competido contra todos los mejores jugadores de tenis de mesa del mundo y de varias generaciones y entre otros, Jan-Ove Waldner, Vladimir Samsonov, Tomokazu Harimoto, Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Xu Xin, Dimitrij Ovtcharov, Ma Lin, Wang Hao, Zhang Jike…
Fecha de nacimiento: 8 de marzo de 1981 (edad 38 años), Erbach, Alemania
Estatura: 1,81 m
Peso 73 kg
Mejor ranking: N° 1 (por primera vez en enero de 2003)
Debut deportivo: 1997
Cónyuge: Rodelia Jacobi (m. 2002)
Club Borussia Düsseldorf
Deporte Tenis de mesa
Tipo Clásico
Estilo Ofensivo, Bloqueo, Media Distancia
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