Home Advisor Class Action law suit Explained in ABC News
Home Advisor Class Action law suit Explained in ABC News
Original Link:
Link to join the Class-Action lawsuit:
Turns out that Roofing Insights isn't the only media channel looking in what Home Advisor has been doing these last few years. There is now a large-scale Class Action suit happening that you can be a part of if you've been impacted by Home Advisor and their business tactics. This isn't new information, we have been exposing Home Advisor for many months now.. This snowball is starting to finally catch up to them and hopefully there will many many contractors that sign up for this Class-Action to help finally show the world what this company has been doing for many years.
00:06 Home Advisor ABC intro
00:14 RI intro
00:21 ABC Home Advisor full video
03:34 Call to action - Class Action Lawsuit
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