HOME BARGAINS HAUL APRIL 2020 | My top 10 cleaning products from Home Bargains | Hazel Maria Wood
HOME BARGAINS HAUL APRIL 2020 | My top 10 cleaning products from Home Bargains | Hazel Maria Wood
Hey everyone! Today I wanted to bring you my top 10 favourite cleaning products from my favourite interior and home store - home bargains! I picked these up over the last few months but I know Home Bargains is still open so you may be able to get your hands on these. Some of my favourites include Fabulosa, The Pink Stuff and a Minky alternative!
Find me on instagram! @hazelwoodx
My home account @firsthomewithhazel
business contact [email protected]
Shop my wardrobe at a HUGE discount and a % goes to charity!: https://ebloggers.co.uk/collections/vib-hazel-wood
Discount codes:
HAZEL20 for 20% off Parisian
BOOHOOBABEUK for 25% off Boohoo (or extra 10% when in sale)
HAZEL30 for 30% off Abbott Lyon
HAZELBOUX15 for 15% off off Boux Avenue
HAZEL30 for 30% off glossy box - to order your box, click: https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=3749&awinaffid=568161&p=%5B%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.glossybox.co.uk%2Fbeauty-box%2Fglossybox-beauty-box-subscription%2F11381920.html%3Fvariation%3D11381921%5D%5D